
Sense of Place

So last semester I went on a field trip with my Darkroom class to the abandoned local high school. My friend Molly was nice enough to model for me. Since the end of the semester was a little crazy I didn't have time develop the film in the darkroom like I wanted but I did finally get it developed and printed yesterday. Here are a couple scans. I like the way they turned out...makes me wish I had brought more than just one roll of film.

I think that I am going to do my "Sense of Place" project on this trip. I like the idea of abandoned buildings and things that are left behind. Since I was not in the class that did "Sense of Place" this year I'll do it as one of my personal projects this summer.

1 comment:

  1. That's molly? Anyway I love the setting. I wanna be your model. But, the abandoned building looks awesome. It looks like she is in an insane asylum that was closed down, and they left her there. It makes me feel like she is thinking of what was there, and how there were people walking around all the time, but now all there is, is herself, thinking of where everyone is now. The outfit looks like it is a hospital gown as well. Anyway I love this one and can't wait to model for your next one. Good luck on your first day :]
