
first day at the internship!

So yesterday was my first day working at Hype Group. Of course going in I was nervous as hell but everyone was really nice and I got to start working on a logo project right away which was great. I got to design some logo options for a production company called the Scatter Brothers.

Besides the internship in St. Pete I am still applying for another design jobs in Sarasota, doing some freelance and the monthly illustrations for SRQ Magazine and some personal projects.....(hope I have bitten off more than I can chew). May was pretty relaxing but I think things will start to pick up pretty quickly now.


  1. do you know if they picked any yet? or like a specific one? I like the ones in the top photo

  2. I made some more today I have to post. The guys from the company were supposed to come in today but they couldn't so i guess i will only know next week.....we shall see....
